A Case for Intuitive Living
Tonight, I want to make my case for intuitive living.
You see, we already have all the tools we need to lead healthy, happy lives. None of this is really, truly ground-breaking stuff. A lot of great, profound knowledge has been around for decades, passed down from one person to the other. This blog – other books and wellness publications – serve as reminders to use those tools, as a giant arrow leading us towards knowledge that has already been passed around for generations.
These days (as we all know), the challenge is not a wealth of information. The challenge has become fighting through a bombardment of marketing messages telling us we aren’t good enough. Sorting through it all to figure out what information is valid, and what is, quite literally, bullshit. Unfortunately, a lot of these toxic messages have a way of pushing all of that great information out of the way. The information that has been passed down for so long seems to be thrown aside for the latest and greatest technology, science or insane societal standard. Just the other day I learned that our agriculture department approved the sale of a new GMO apple that doesn’t brown. And this week people are talking about Lady Gaga’s “belly” like it’s something to be ashamed of.
But here’s the silver lining. We have the opportunity to filter that information, and we can do it in a way that is actually pretty simple:
By living intuitively.
- We start listening to our bodies. No one needs to tell us how frequently or what we should be eating. Our bodies do that for us already… There is a reason I craved eggs when I was training for my marathon – hello, protein! No one needs to tell us when or how much we should rest, either. Our bodies have a way of telling us when we need to recover (and if we don’t listen, it will start to speak up – one way or another). Our bodies are meant for communication. We just need to start listening to them!
- We focus on our minds. Reading, meditation, taking a new class, practicing a new language… Learning doesn’t need to stop just because we’re out of school. A balanced life includes one with a nourished mind. By learning, we are constantly evolving, and in a way expanding our vision to include much more of the world around us.
- We find the balance between rest and movement. It isn’t healthy to push too hard, nor is it healthy to do absolutely nothing either. When I don’t work out for a while, I get lethargic and I feel like crap. But when I am constantly “on,” I also happen to be constantly exhausted. Learning to find that balance can be difficult at times, but is so essential to our health and happiness.
- We fall back to nature. There is a reason why some of the best food we eat comes straight from the garden. And some of the best healing comes from taking a long walk, putting our toes in the sand, and getting some fresh air. It is healing, and oh-so-good for the soul.
A while back, I wrote an article on why Strict Morning Rituals Are Bullshit. And although it was for an entirely different reason (I was tired of being told I had to have a certain morning routine to be successful), I learned a lot from living in a way that relied solely on what I felt I needed in that moment.
For instance, I realized:
- A crappy mood can often be negated by a hot shower and freshly brushed teeth (and sometimes a nap).
- I have much more energy throughout my day when I start it with a big breakfast.
- I’m most creative in the mornings, or right before bed.
- I actually prefer not to wear make up – and I don’t really care what you think about it.
- My best work outs happen at night, not right when I wake up.
You may find that some of these are also true for you. Or quite different. But that’s the magic of intuitive living.
Intuitive living gives you the flexibility to live life on your own terms. By following your instincts (and your heart), you are giving yourself the opportunity to determine what feels right for you – what makes sense and what seems like complete craziness. You get to try new things and learn from them. You get to follow what you believe to be right and determine what you think is wrong. And you get to feel it, deep down in your bones.
By living intuitively, we are giving ourselves the chance to live a healthier, happier life. And the best part is – we get to start right away, no equipment required.
Zoe Lauryn
I liked this article very much.
Thanks Jared!! 🙂