Sweet & Salty Acai Bowl

Hump day is over and gone with, and I promise this bowl will help you power through the rest of your week. The mix of sweet and salty was perfect on a morning when I couldn’t decide between having a smoothie or going with a savory egg dish. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


Sweet & Salty Acai Bowl

Blend the following together until smooth:

1 packet Frozen acai

1 cup Frozen mixed berries

1/4 cup Greek yogurt

Milk (added until at desired consistency)

Top off with:

1 packet Trader Joe’s Simply Almonds, Cashews & Cranberries Trek Mix

Sprinkle Cocoa nibs

Sprinkle Chia seeds

Feel free to sub out the Trader Joe’s Simply Almonds, Cashews & Cranberries Trek Mix mix (shown below) with a trail mix of your choice, though I have to say the cashews and cranberries really made the bowl for me personally. 🙂


Love you all! Have a fantastic Thursday.

