Berry Coconut Smoothie

Good morning, friends! And happy hump day! This morning I was feeling like something a bit out of my ordinary routine. A friend recently suggested I use coconut water in my smoothies, so I decided to give it a shot. This smoothie is light and refreshing, and the perfect addition to a relaxing morning outside with my pup.


Berry Coconut Smoothie 

3/4 cup Frozen cherries

3/4 cup Frozen blueberries

1/4 cup Greek yogurt

1 tbsp Chia seeds

1 tsp Coconut extract

1 cup Coconut water

Blend until smooth and enjoy!

This Berry Coconut Smoothie is quite light in comparison to my other, more hearty, smoothies. And that was just what I wanted today. The coconut flavor isn’t overpowering, but instead brings out the cherry and blueberry flavors quite nicely. Try it and let me know what you think!





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